Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Winds of Change

Today looks like its going to feel more like summer then spring. The reason? More moisture! It is likely going to be quite humid outside especially areas close to the Missouri River. The strong south winds will be transporting Gulf of Mexico moisture into the state all day long and that will help increase the dewpoints into the 50's and could even be close to 60 degrees in spots. Here is the forecasted dewpoints for 7pm tonight.Notice the bullseye of dwpoints above 60 right in the middle of the state. Now, I think this model might be over doing the moisture just a little bit but regardless, there will be more moisture. Those winds are driving the moisture in. Here is a forecast for winds at the 4pm hour this afternoon.
They will likely be sustained 20-30mph across the east. That will also help drive up the temps.Some spots along the central Missouri river could top 80 degrees this afternoon. So, summer like day today but with a cold front expected to move through overnight tonight, it will feel more like early April tomorrow.

~KDLT Meteorologist Cody Matz

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