Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a Way to Start February

Well, if you don't think it has felt much like February over the last 10 days, you couldn't be more right. The average high for the first 10 days of February is 37.9 degrees which puts Sioux Falls over 8 degrees above average for the entire month of February. If temperatures continue like they have been, we may be experiencing one of the warmest February's on record. Here is what is called the "preliminary climate report" that is produced by the National Weather Service.Focus on the left side of the chart, specifically the part that I circled. From left to right, the columns are representative of: day of the month, high temperature, low temperature, the average of the two, the departure from average, and the heating degree days. Just look at how warm both our lows and highs have been.

Now, there is a little bit of a change in the forecast because highs are expected to drop back into the 20's by this weekend which would be a couple degrees below average. But it would take a tremendous shot of arctic air for our monthly temperatures to finish the month at or below normal.

~KDLT Meteorologist Cody Matz

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