Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snow For Friday? Any Warming In Sight (hint: maybe Monday...)?

Well, it's still February - and unfortunately the governing forces of weather are trying to make sure we don't forget it. Our average high is up to 32 degrees now, but that includes both the really warm days and the really cold days. That's why you'll never hear me say that a temperature of 32 is the "normal" temperature - but instead the average.

Anyhow, we are talking about a big cooldown for Wednesday - but then what? Well, it looks like we'll warm up a bit for Thursday and Friday - and then we get a very quick moving "clipper" type of system. The computer models are starting to show some snow coming out of that system. Here's what it's looking like for Friday night:

That is predicted snowfall from one computer model for Friday 6am-6pm, and it makes things look messy for a lot of us. The big question: why will this storm end up any different than the one currently overhead and not giving us any rain or snow? Well, the answer is unclear for now - and we're going to watch as this system develops. The storm overhead right now is a combination of two lighter storm systems that are not utilizing the moisture they have, while this next storm system is coming from a more "continental" area - meaning it should have drier air thanks to the fact that it doesn't originate over the ocean.

Now... back to the potential good news. Just a week ago you heard on our weather blog about how we were going to be warm to start *this* week off - and now you're hearing about another warm-up showing up for the start of *next* week! Get ready for some potential upper 30s to lower 40s (or better) by next Monday!

Look at those temperatures - if those pan out they will be Monday's highs! We can only hope & see what happens... the good news is that the average high for Sioux Falls as of today is at 32 degrees - and has a long way to go upward before June, July, and August.

Have a great Tuesday night!

~KDLT Meteorologist Aaron Shaffer

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