Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chilly Weather Brings Flowers???

While we are seeing a nice warm up in our neck of the woods, folks just to our East are seeing some very chilly temperatures. A mere 17 degrees was the high in Chicago today! A slightly odd phenomena can be witnesses when temps get this cold in regions that aren't used to being this cold. This picture below was taken in Edgemont, Arkansas by photographer Chyenne M. Star.

They are called ice flowers or ice ribbons. Apparently they have been studied for over 200 years and have confused physicists, geologists and botanists. The conclusion that was finally reached was that a crack in a stem exposed the water in the stem to be exposed to the chilly air, the liquid water freezes and expands outward, the process just continues until the flower stem runs out of water. This movie shows it pretty well. A pretty cool treat, too bad it's too cold for flower stems here to still have liquid water in them. If you want to know more you can go to or check out this website.

~KDLT Meteorologist Jesse Ritka

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