If you are like many other people in our newsroom and our weather team you might be wondering when the winds will calm down - or if they will ever. We've seen wind chills drop down into the teens and even near single digits over the past few hours as those winds continue to blow. One big thing we look for when forecasting wind is these things known as "isobars." An isobar is a line of constant pressure, measured by meteorologists in millibars. When you see them on a map and they are spread out, they typically indicate low winds. When they are tight together, that typically indicates high winds.

If you get a good look at the image above, you'll see an example of the high winds - this was what the weather picture looked like at about 6am this morning.
This is what it will look like Sunday morning (around midnight Saturday/Sunday) when the winds are lower:

So... in conclusion. All you have to do is make it to early Sunday or late Saturday and you'll get to stop worrying about the high winds. Have a nice weekend and drive safely!
P.S. That truck east of Wall appears to have been rescued, so that is great news!
~KDLT Meteorologist Aaron Shaffer
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