Monday, November 16, 2009

Southern Low - Rain and Snow

While many of us will see mostly sunny skies today, it's a majorly different story down to our south. Snow showers in Nebraska and Kansas with rain showers in Missouri and Iowa. This will bring some clouds to the SE tip of SD and into Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota today and tomorrow.

The models are somewhat split in what's going to happen with this area of low pressure responsible for all the wicked weather down there. Taking everything into account, I think this area of low pressure will move somewhat like this: If you follow the arrows, the progression of this system is slow, but I do think that by Wednesday that low pressure will be affecting our forecast. I don't think that it will bring us the same troubles it is to Nebraska and Kansas however. By the time it reaches us, we'll see just a few light rain showers in SE SD and NE and IA. Nothing that will fill up the rain buckets, but something to keep on the radar. (No pun intended there)
Enjoy the mild, dry weather in the meantime,
~KDLT Meteorologist Jesse Ritka

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