Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bump In Humidity

Looks like it's going to be a muggy Monday for some - you can see the really dark greens in South Dakota, that's projected dew points in the upper 60s and even some 70s. So while it won't be completely uncomfortable and sticky, it will feel more humid than it has been lately. The reason behind this: a term we call warm air advection. Where warm and more humid air from the south is being brought up or advected into our area.

If you don't like the humidity, just wait until Tuesday, a cold front will ring most of the humidity and moisture out of the air overnight on Monday and into Tuesday. Giving us a much drier but, of course, cooler rest of the work week.

Enjoy the mild heat while it lasts!
~KDLT Meteorologist Jesse Ritka


Anonymous said...

Any 90s coming?

KDLT Weather said...

Not for the eastern side of the state sadly, West river could see some 90s tomorrow again but I kind of miss the occasional hot days of summer. I don't think I even used the Heat Index at all this summer, so a very odd and cool one we've had.

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