850mb Temperatures for Thursday Afternoon:
850mb Temperatures for Friday Afternoon:850mb Temperatures for Saturday Afternoon:So when are the winter like temperatures here to stay?? Well, that's always a tough thing to predict because its never the exact same time every year. However, there are many sources leading me to believe that the date for the permanent cold may be approaching soon. First, some of the middle ranged models are showing a pretty substantial cool down late next week. Second, the Climatological Prediction Center (CPC) has issued there daily forecast for the next couple of weeks stating that there is a pretty high likelihood that next week and the week after would be below average. If this is correct, then our highs would likely be in the 20's with lows in the single digits. Check these out;These are 850mb temperatures for late next week and next weekend. Looks pretty cold to me!
This is the forecast from the CPC. The blue colors indicate higher probabilities of temperatures being below normal. The first is 6-10 days out. The second is 7-14 days out.Hopefully you get enjoy the temperatures the next three days because 50's may be something we don't see again until spring!!~Meteorologist Cody Matz
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