Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Post!

Hello everybody in the Sioux Empire. As we get things set up we'll start plugging away in this blog, but for now this will be our only post until that point.

We've been getting quite a bit of rain, as we expected, from yet another storm system making its way through the area. Last Monday we saw record rainfall of 2.17" in the Sioux Falls area... this week it should be a little better, but still wet.

This is our cold front moving through the area:

It'll keep raining through tomorrow, but then we should start to see things clear up as the cold front moves away. Typically behind a cold front something called "subsidence" occurs. Subsidence is when the air above us sinks - and sinking air typically will warm slightly and dry out. That is why we usually see sun fairly soon after a storm comes through.

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